Draven Reviews: Comedy One Liners, Heckler Lines, and More

approvedTitle: Comedy Lines, Jokes, and Heckler Quips

Artist: Wolfgang Riebe

Producers: Wolfgang Riebe

Link: Available At Your Favorite Murphy’s Magic Dealer


Demo Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYgAvpgT7Fo

Retail Price: 100 Assistant Jokes: $2.99 USD, 100 Heckler Stoppers $2.99, 200 Comedy Fillers $3.99

Learning Difficulty: Easy

Length of Book: Heckler Stoppers 11 pages. Comedy Fillers 26 Pages.  Assistant Jokes: 15 Pages.

Publication Type:  PDF

Wolfgang Riebe has released a series of comedy books that I’ve recently come across in PDF format.  The three publications are Comedy Fillers, 200 Quips & One Liners, 100 Heckler Stoppers, and 100 Assistant One-Liner Jokes.  I checked them out because as an Emcee it’s always nice to have some material in the can incase you need to vamp and sometimes you can find some real gems in publications like this.  Sadly, for the most part, this wasn’t one of those publications.


None of the PDF’s are long or difficult reads with the Comedy Fillers book being the longest topping out at an intimidating 26-page monstrosity.  Sorry if my sarcasm font isn’t working for you on your end, but from over here the page is dripping in it.  All of Wolfgang’s suggested humor is credited with having been cultivated over 25 years in show business, and sadly he can’t credit any singular source by name.  Most of the jokes suggested fall flat not being all that funny, or are just strait up stock hack lines that are overused to the point of abuse.  There are a couple that only work in writing because of the punish nature of the joke being dependent upon spelling. And there’s more than a handful that are a little crueler or insulting than what I find to be personally comfortable for my tastes.


Some of the heckler lines get downright offensive!  I’d be kind of worried that the thug in the audience maybe inspired to find me in the parking lot after the show after a few of these lines and a couple beers.  For example: “I’d like to break you in half, but who wants two of you around?”  That’s a strait up threat! Or this classic from the Assistant One Liners book: “So, you are retarded?  Oh, sorry, I mean retired?” Way to win over your audience helper, right?


On the positive side, I did find some cute dad jokes in the Comedy Fillers book that I laughed at and there’s even a couple that I’d consider side boarding incase I ever needed them.  Since all the jokes and lines have come from either Wolfgang or other, I assume, working performers it was kind of interesting to see what sort of jokes others found useful on stage.  Are any of these E-Books going to be go to, best sellers that will redefine the art?  No.  Certainly not.  These aren’t even close to being Wolfgang’s opus on performing, but if you have some disposable income, and you want a quick read, they will do that. Otherwise if you pass on these books, you won’t miss much.  As my father always said “You get what you pay for” and when you’re only paying, at most, four bucks for a product you don’t really expect to find a lot of value.











When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The three points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, and Overall Quality.


Product Quality: 3

The price of the E-books is a testament to the quality of the material you’re receiving.  You’re going to get a full $3 to $4 bucks worth of bad jokes and insulting humor.  You get what you pay for.


Teaching Quality: 8

Nothing hard to learn here.


Overall Quality: 2

Hack lines, offensive jokes, and bad puns.  Someone is going to love these books.  That someone isn’t me.



Do you have a product you want reviewed?  Want to see if it will stand up to the Draven Seal of Approval?  Contact me directly at thewilliamdraven@gmail.com to find out how your product could be on the next Draven Reviews!  Don’t forget to like my blog where all my reviews are posted at www.williamdraven.wordpress.com.




About William Draven

William Draven is a professional magician and sideshow performer living in Los Angeles, California. Follow him on Twitter at WilliamDraven or on facebook at www.facebook.com/thewilliamdraven
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